Lessons from the Garden: Round-Up

Lessons from the Garden: Round-Up

I’ve now finished my Lessons from the Garden series, which began back in March. Thank you for reading – I hope you enjoyed it. If you missed any of the posts, or want to re-visit some, you can find them all below with links to each. Please share them with others who might appreciate them too.

Lesson 1 from the Garden: don’t wait for perfect, but start something good.

Lesson 2 from the Garden: plant in good soil.

Lesson 3 from the Garden: don’t underestimate what goes on beneath the surface.

Lesson 4 from the Garden: be patient, and trust God’s timing.

Lesson 5 from the Garden: be vigilant with your life.

Lesson 6 from the Garden: be ruthless with the weeds in your life.

Lesson 7 from the Garden: concentrate on doing fewer, bigger, better.

Lesson 8 from the Garden: accept pruning to maximise future growth.

Lesson 9 from the Garden: the grass is greener where you water it.

Lesson 10 from the Garden: devote more time with God in order to grow well.

Lesson 11 from the Garden: don’t forget the law of the harvest. Sow your seed in faith, wait patiently, tend diligently, harvest plentifully.

Lesson 12 from the Garden: don’t spend everything you get, but save for the future.

Lesson 13 from the Garden: regular rest is vital for our wellbeing and long-term growth.

Lesson 14 from the Garden: clear away old things to make room for new growth.

Lesson 15 from the Garden: no one is strong enough to neglect.


Thanks for reading. There’s lot of good content coming up at MJH Musings, so please subscribe to this blog. And if you’ve enjoyed tLots more great content coming up on MJH Musings. There’ll be a couple of Lake District hike descriptions and then a new blog-series on the Book of Deuteronomy. Plus, each month I’ll be doing a Lesson of the Month, sharing the most impactful thing I’ve learnt that month. Stay tuned, and please subscribe if you haven’t already.

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